41% of IT Leaders Believe AI Will Replace Their Job

Cloud security firm Trend Micro released their predictions report for 2021 with responders clearly seeing the sweeping change to IT that the pandemic has caused.

To make predictions, Trend Micro compiles interviews they conduct with 500 IT directors, managers, CIOs, and CTOs.

In the report, Trend Micro has made the prediction that remote and cloud-based systems will be ruthlessly targeted by cybercriminals in 2021 with cybercriminals looking to home networks as an easier means of compromising private corporate networks.

It was also reported that 19% of respondents believe that attackers that use AI to enhance their cyber attacks will be commonplace by the year 2025.

An even larger percent of respondents (41%) believe that AI will replace their current role by 2030, with 32% believe that technology would eventually work to completely automate cybersecurity with little to no human intervention.

Also, by 2030, it’s predicted that data access will be tied to biometric or DNA data, which will make unauthorized access impossible.

It’s also predicted that nationwide 5G will entirely transform network and security infrastructure.

While the prediction that AI will take over information technology and information systems positions in the near future is surprising, the predictions of increased security warnings are not, especially in this new environment of increased at-home telecommuting.

If there was ever a specific time to make sure your system is as protected as it can possibly be, that time is now.

The full report can be found here: https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/research-and-analysis/predictions/2021

As always, if we can be of help with your network or computer, give us a call here at RHYNO Networks. (855) 749-6648

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