1. Mystery Meat Navigation
What is mystery meat navigation you ask? A great example of this horrible web design mistake can be found here. Websites, no matter how ‘artsy’ or unique must be intuitive to the visitor. Don’t make your visitors or potential clients wonder where they need to click, or what they are going to get when they click on some mysterious number or image on your site.
2. Inconsistent Link Targets
There are few more irritating things when navigating a web than clicking links that open into new windows and then clicking on one that doesn’t but you don’t realize it until you’ve closed out your browser completely and have to re-launch it. When linking to documents or external sites, be consistent – always open the links into new windows. You don’t want your viewer losing your site and you don’t want them inadvertently closing their browser.
3. ‘Bling’
By bling I mean blinking .gifs and other seizure/headache inducing visual elements. They were cool when you made your very first website, now completely avoid them. Have fun with this page.
4. Document Overload
PDFs or other documents should be used sparingly. If you can show content within a web page do it. Visitors shouldn’t be required to pop open document files that they might be required to download and install software just to view.
5. Content Overload
Visitors shouldn’t feel like they are drowning in text and images and column after column of reading. Keep it short and simple. Be concise and to the point.
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