Network servers and Earth globe
Do you think sharing information, data and documents among your coworkers is sufficient without a server? Do you think that a peer-to-peer network and emails are doing the job?
Well, without a server, you risk experiencing performance problems, security vulnerabilities, additional costs, and decreased operations efficiency. But you don’t need one of those big, expensive servers. Not yet, at least. Micro in size but mega in advantages.
You need immediate access to a file that a coworker has been editing. He’s away on vacation and he’s left his notebook PC at his desk. Panic time? No. Your company centralizes its files on your server. Just as you would on your own computer’s hard drive or an external USB stick, simply navigate to the folder in which the file is and open it. Many SMBs use peer-to-peer networks and think they’re sufficient enough, if one user shuts down their machine, then information stored on that system cannot be accessed.
Centralizing files and other data on a server encourages collaboration between workers. Rather than storing files on individual PCs — leading to inconsistency, poor information sharing, dated/duplicate files, and extensive management—file-sharing enables employees in different locations to effectively work together, leading to increased productivity and success.
Issues pertaining to information security also exist internally when it comes to file sharing. A peer-to-peer network offers little security, seeing how users share information and access to each other’s PC. With your new server, you can maintain control over who can view or access confidential and sensitive files and folders. Defining access rights is simple and leaves you at ease. At the same time, a server protects and your company from external security threats.
Support mobility
Implementing a server into your SMB’s IT infrastructure will allow you to better support on-the-go. This platform enables remote access to files, data, information, and running applications stored on the server. Using their Notebook PCs with built-in mobile broadband, your staff has fast and safe access to any information they need. The combination of the Server with the Notebook PC provides an impressive capacity to serve your current and future needs.
The Server is reliable, fast, affordable, and adaptable. Meet your growing need and quickly respond to your customers and competitors.