What’s the difference between web hosting and domain hosting?

Web hosting and domain hosting often get confused, but are very different services.

The problem is all in the name. While the name ‘Web Hosting’ accurately describes the service of the provider hosting your website on the internet, Domain Hosting is better understood when it’s referred to as ‘Domain Name Registration.’ Domain Name Registration isn’t hosting at all, just the registering of your chosen domain name. The domain name of your website is the internet address of your website that begins with ‘www.’

Web hosting service providers rent storage space for your website files on their servers.

There are several different types of hosting packages that web hosting providers may offer, depending on the storage needs of the website and the amount of traffic the website typically receives. Typical hosting plans include shared hosting, where multiple websites share the same server, and dedicated hosting, where all of the servers resources are used just for the one website hosted on that system.

Some other services may depend on how much backend control you want of your website. In the case of managed hosting, the host provider’s own developers and technicians manage the ins and outs of your website.

Only if you want or need your own domain name will you need domain name registration. With domain name registration, the provider leases you the domain name of your choice in exchange for a yearly subscription fee.

The yearly subscription fee varies by domain name registrar.

Some businesses offer both domain name registration and website hosting services, though it may be less expensive and more secure to split the services between providers.

As always, if we can be of help with your network or computer, give us a call here at RHYNO Networks. (855) 749-6648