Windows 10 has a bug that defrags SSD drives too often
The Windows 10 May 2020 Update has not been without issues.
One of the issues that has plagued the release is a bug that negatively affects the Drive Optimizer tool.
This defragmentation tool is supposed to record the last time a drive has been optimized.
Unfortunately, due to the bug, when you open the Drive Optimizer tool, you’ll see a message that your SSD drive ‘Needs Optimization’ no matter how recently you defragged the drive.
This has also led to the Windows 10 maintenance tool automatically defragging SSD drives when Windows is restarted.
Defragging an SSD too much is not good for the drive.
Thankfully, Microsoft is expected to release a fix for this issue to all users soon.
There is currently a fix available to Insiders – Build 19042.487 in the Beta channel.
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