Billed as the one-size-fits-all cable, USB Type-C isn’t up to snuff


Once seen as the one-size-fits-all answer to our cable woes, USB Type-C has yet to live up to the promises that were made.

While USB Type-C was supposed to unify power and data deliver with display and audio connectivity, the USB Type-C can’t even handle the most basic function of powering devices in any standard sort of way.

Even the term Universal Serial Bus is laughable when multiple instances of the same type of USB cable are often a mess of compatibility issues and conflicting propriety standards. The defining principle of the USB Type-C cable makes consumers think that everything that uses the USB Type-C cable should work no matter which supplier they receive their USB Type-C cable from, and yet because the features supported by different devices aren’t clear, it’s difficult to determine which USB Type-C cable works for which device.

For example, moving phones between different chargers, even of the same current and voltage ratings, often won’t supply the same charging speeds. Losing fast-charging capabilities can also happen if the typically received cord included with the device is replaced with a third party USB Type-C cable.

It’s frustrating that, depending on the charger and cable used, various configurations will power different devices at different speeds.

Ultimately, while the USB Type-C should be universal, there is very little consistency about the type of charging available from which cable.

Its complexity is undoubtedly its undoing, because while the idea of one cable to support everything sounds useful, the reality is that a combination of proprietary issues, differing cable qualities, and cable capabilities have resulted in a mess of compatibility issues for consumers.

Hopefully, as product developers continue their technological advancements, they can agree upon a set standard for USB connectors and make it easier not only for consumers, but also for themselves.

As always, if we can be of help with your network or computer, give us a call here at RHYNO Networks. (855) 749-6648